About Braille Toolbox


This site aims to serve a purpose in light of two facts: 1) Braille is super cool and everyone should know a little bit about it without it feeling like reading a user manual; 2) It's also a critically important language tool for people who can use it for independent living. However, until now there hasn't been an online reference available that has done a good job of serving both of those needs. Braille Toolbox wants to be a Swiss Army Knife; Attractive and versatile, the sort of thing you're glad is within reach and serves as something to show off to your friends.

Accuracy note

We strive for total accuracy to UEB Braille Standards (the reference standard for braille in English). Pages or functions in Beta often pose challenges to 100% accuracy, but please report any errors regardless.

Accessibility note

This site is an ambitious project that works methodically over time to improve itself and be fully accessible to all users. However. Beta pages and functions are often complex interactions sometimes it hard to get to full accessibility immediately.


Will Capellaro

Lead Designer, Founder

"Several years ago I designed the interface for a braille device. That got me hooked on problem solving in around the braille space."

We need your feedback!

Please report any issues using the survey link below. This includes content errors, accessibility issues, as well as improvement or feature ideas. We'll be in touch to confirm or clarify, but we won't spam you or add you to any lists. Please use this form for suggestions, inquiries, to get involved, or anything else.

Project Supporters

FontLab logo


FontLab 7 for macOS and Windows is a modern, professional font editor, and enables Braille Toolbox's print-to-braille translate on the Write in Braille page.

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